

第五十五條 (表決之方式)

 表決之方式 表決應由主席就左列方式之一行之,但出席人有異議時,應徵求議場多數之意見決定之:

The ideas of two terms "Secret Ballot" and "Recorded Vote" should be a common sense to most people. It's easy to know the difference of them in the literal meaning. But when will be the proper situation to use which vote is a thought provoking problem. Generally speaking, it is concerned with two aspects: "matters of vote" and "form of democracy: direct or indirect democracy". To refer to conference regulation of Ministry of the Interior in Taiwan, the vote on the persons should take secret ballot, but the vote on the matters should take recorded vote. If we put the form of democracy into consideration at the same time, it would be better to take recorded vote for indirect democracy (also named as representative politics). The reason is that participants have to disclose their decision to respond their representative responsibility. Like U.S. senate, their recorded vote is the way of roll call vote. They keep track of every senate's decision into records and reveal them to U.S. citizens. Through the way of recorded vote, representative politics still can be put under the popular control and meet the spirit of democracy. In the age of democracy that has become popular term today, people have to pay attention to the different way of vote and discern what's pseudo democracy. Especially smart dictators always encase themselves into candy coat of democracy.

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